Core competences and progression

Core competences for children and young people aged 5-16 years

Core competences for children and young people aged 5-16 years

In 2007, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) launched Core Food Competences for children and young people aged 5-16 years, developed in consultation with the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF). The competences set out a progressive framework of skills and knowledge which comprise essential building blocks around the themes of diet and health, consumer awareness, cooking and food safety for children and young people. These competences have been widely used, as they provided consistency and a focal point. Uses included an audit tool for teachers mapping out lessons, a guide for developers creating resources for schools and a framework to support curricular change and examination specifications.

BNF, along with Public Health England (PHE), FSA Northern Ireland, FSA Scotland and the Welsh Government, initiated a review of the original framework in 2014 to ensure that it is up-to-date and reflects key areas of priority for children and young people in relation to their education, life skills and health. It was subsequently updated again in 2016 in light of the Eatwell Guide.

The Core competences:

  • represent core skills and knowledge around the themes of Diet (food and drink), Consumer Awareness, Cooking (Food Preparation and Handling skills), Food Safety and Active Lifestyles (physical activity) and provide an essential benchmark;
  • are progressive and cumulative from one age phase to the next;
  • could be met at home, school or through other activities;
  • show essential knowledge and capability – they are neither a curriculum nor an examination specification;
  • reflect UK-wide practice;
  • aim to help children and young people to develop the skills and knowledge to make and implement healthy food choices.

The Core competences can be used as:

  • an audit tool to help plan lessons;
  • support curriculum and qualification development;
  • a guide for those developing resources for children and young people.

To support the use of Core competences, pupil facing resources have been devised - see below.


Core competences - guide

Core Competences For Children And Young People Aged 5 to 16

A progressive framework of skills and knowledge which comprise essential skills and knowledge.


Food teaching progression chart (age 5-11 Years)

A progression chart of knowledge and skills for pupils aged 5-11 Years to support teaching and learning about healthy eating, cooking and where food comes from across the UK.

This progression chart has been developed by the British Nutrition Foundation to support food teaching in the UK. The chart is based on the key learning objectives from the Food - a fact of life website (but, to support progression, provides a more detailed breakdown of the stages of learning) and is linked to primary school curricula in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Consideration is also given to the Core competences for children and young people aged 5-16 years (2016) and other food teaching guidance documents, and bodies, from around the UK, e.g. Food teaching in primary schools: A framework of knowledge and skills (Public Health England, 2015), Characteristics of good practice in teaching food and nutrition education in primary schools (2020).

Food teaching progression chart (age 5-11 years)

A progression chart of knowledge and skills for pupils aged 5-11 years.


Core competences resources (5-7 Years)

5 - 7 YR
Users' Guide

A guide about the Food route resources, including curriculum links.

5 - 7 YR
Food route charts

A selection of charts and a certificate.

5 - 7 YR
My taste chart

A worksheet about rating new food using smiley faces.

5 - 7 YR
My activity chart

A worksheet to record new activities tried out.

5 - 7 YR
Let's get ready to cook

A worksheet about getting ready to cook, by filling in the blanks.

5 - 7 YR
Kitchen equipment

A worksheet about naming different types of kitchen equipment.

5 - 7 YR
Helping in the kitchen

A worksheet to record how helpful children are in the kitchen.

5 - 7 YR
Getting active

An activity diary worksheet for the week.

5 - 7 YR
Drink plenty

A diary worksheet to record the drink consumed in a day.

5 - 7 YR
Design an apron

A worksheet challenging children to design an apron.

5 - 7 YR
Breakfast diary

A breakfast dairy for children to complete.

5 - 7 YR
5 A Day

A worksheet about 5 A DAY.

5 - 7 YR
Where food comes from

A worksheet about food origins.


Core competences resources (7-11 Years)

7 - 11 YR
Food route charts

The Food route activity charts and certificate.

7 - 11 YR
Nutrient functions

A worksheet matching food to nutrients.

7 - 11 YR
Safety measures

A worksheet exploring how to keep safe in the kitchen.

7 - 11 YR
Food labels

A worksheet about the information required on food labels.

7 - 11 YR
Food diary

A worksheet to compare a food diary for 3 days to the Eatwell Guide.

7 - 11 YR
Food choice

A worksheet about the different reasons why people choose food.

7 - 11 YR
Food adverts

A worksheet investigating food advertising.

7 - 11 YR
Design a food advert

A worksheet encouraging children to design a food advert.

7 - 11 YR
8 tips

A worksheet about the 8 tips for healthy eating.

7 - 11 YR
Cooking skills

A worksheet about kitchen equipment and cooking skills.

7 - 11 YR
Cook world dishes

A worksheet challenging children to name 5 dishes from around the world.

7 - 11 YR
Compare food prices

A worksheet about different food prices.

7 - 11 YR
Storage instructions

A worksheet about naming different ways to store food.


Core competences (11-14 Years)

11 - 14 YR
Food route Users' Guide

A guide about using the Food route resources, including curriculum links.

11 - 14 YR
Active lifestyles journal

A journal to record work on active lifestyles.

11 - 14 YR
Consumer awareness journal

A journal to record work on consumer awareness.

11 - 14 YR
Cooking journal

A journal to record work on cooking.

11 - 14 YR
Diet and health journal

A journal to record work on diet and health.

11 - 14 YR
Food safety journal

A journal to record work on food safety.

11 - 14 YR

The Food route certificate for 11-14 years.


Core competences (14-16 Years)

14 - 16 YR
Food route users' guide

The users' guide about the journals, including curriculum links.

14 - 16 YR
Active lifestyles journal

A journal to record work on active lifestyles.

14 - 16 YR
Consumer awareness journal

A journal to record work on consumer awareness.

14 - 16 YR
Cooking journal

A journal to record work on cooking.

14 - 16 YR
Diet and health journal

A journal to record work on diet and health.

14 - 16 YR
Food safety journal

A journal to record work on food safety.

14 - 16 YR

A certificate for the 14-16 years age range.

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