Practical food skill progression and recipe complexity

Support to plan and review progression in practical food skills, comprising a video, presentation and teacher planning materials.

Food skill progression and recipe complexity resources

The resources below form a package of support around planning practical food skill progression, enabling pupils to acquire, develop and secure practical food skills, along with knowledge over time. In principle:

  • Pupils should acquire, develop and secure practical food skills over time, demonstrating greater accuracy and precision along with time management and dovetailing.
  • Practical food skills are not always ‘stand-alone’, pupils will combine practical food skills to make recipes and dishes, e.g. a roux sauce (weigh/measure, stir, melt, simmer and boil).
  • Pupils should always demonstrate good food hygiene and safety practices, e.g. getting ready to cook, being safe with sharp or hot equipment.
  • Pupils should be given the opportunity to use a wide range of food groups through recipes and other practical activities.
  • Pupils should apply their theory-based knowledge in a meaningful way through recipes and practical food activities.

Resources to support planning practical food skill progression

11 - 14 YR
Example practical food skill progression (11-14)

An example of practical food skill progression (11-14 years) based on the FFL...

11 - 14 YR
11-14 Practical food skills planning sheet

A sheet to support planning practical activities based on learning intent and...

11 - 14 YR
11-14 Food groups and practical food skills

A resource for pupils to record food groups and practical food skills used.

14 - 16 YR
GCSE Practical food skills planning sheet

A sheet to support planning food skills and practical activities based on the...

14 - 16 YR
GCSE Commodity and practical food skills record

A sheet for GCSE pupils to record the commodities and practical food skills u...

Applying nutrition knowledge

A sheet to help teachers plan practical food activities around applying nutri...

Practical food skills chart

A chart identifying the practical food skills that pupils can acquire, develo...

Food teaching progression chart (age 5-11 years)

A progression chart of knowledge and skills for pupils aged 5-11 years.

Food passport

A booklet for pupils to use to record their practical food skills and knowled...

Activity to support planning practical food skills and recipe complexity progression

The activity and recipes below can be used by staff and pupils to identify the learning intent, practical food skills used and complexity of recipes. 

Assessing recipe recipe complexity activity

Instructions to run an activity with pupils or staff to assess the complexity...

Recipe review worksheet - teacher

A worksheet for teachers to record/review the results of the recipe complexit...

Recipe review worksheet - pupil

A worksheet for pupils to record and review the results of the recipe complex...

Scrambled eggs recipe with complexity rating

A recipe showing the criteria used to determine the recipe complexity rating.

Mini veg frittata recipe with complexity rating

A recipe showing the criteria used to determine the recipe complexity rating.

Omelette recipe with complexity rating

A recipe showing the criteria used to determine the recipe complexity rating.

Fruit plait recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill and recipe progression planning.

Pizza recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Bread rolls recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Savoury choux buns with a roux sauce filling recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Savoury choux buns recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Savoury choux buns with ham and tomato recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Crumble and homemade custard recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Crumble and homemade egg custard recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Crumble and custard recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Omelette recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Scrambled eggs recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Mini veg fritatta recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Lamb and pepper kebabs recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Marinated lamb and veg kebab recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Kofta kebabs recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Duchess potatoes recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Mashed potatoes recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Boiled new potatoes recipe

A recipe to support practical food skill progression and recipe complexity pl...

Progression webinar and presentation

A presentation on progression: learning intent, practical food skills and recipes - given Roy Ballam and Frances Meek (British Nutrition Foundation) and Louise Davies (Food Teachers Centre) on 6 October 2021.

Progression: Learning intent, practical food skills and recipes (video)

A video of the webinar on progression: learning intent, practical food skills...

Progression: Learning intent, practical food skills and recipes

A webinar looking at progress: learning intent, practical food skills and rec...

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