Resources and presentations

For the FFL Schemes of Work, follow this link secondary SoW. FFL is planning to update the primary SoW in the next few months.

Resources and presentations

RSE and Health Education 2020, links to food and nutrition and your role

The presentation for a webinar on RSE and Health Education 2020.

RSE and Health Education 2020, links to food and nutrition and your role webinar

RSE and Health Education 2020 webinar recording.

ICT, literacy and numeracy in food and nutrition lessons presentation

A presentation based on a webinar on ICT, literacy and numeracy in food and nutrition lessons.

ICT, literacy and numeracy in food and nutrition lessons

The opportunities for pupils to undertake and apply ICT, literacy and numeracy in food and nutrition

SoW and lesson planning

A presentation looking at developing Schemes of Work and lesson plans - a webinar on 5 Feb 2019.

SoW and lesson planning - webinar video

A presentation looking at developing Schemes of Work and lesson plans - a webinar on 5 Feb 2019.

Overcoming challenges with engaging children on the autistic spectrum in food lessons

A presentation on challenges with engaging children on the autistic spectrum in food lesson.

Overcoming challenges with engaging children on the autistic spectrum in food lessons - webinar video

A presentation on challenges with engaging children on the autistic spectrum in food lesson.

‘Food literacy’ versus’ Food skills’

A presentation looking at ‘Food literacy’ versus’ Food skills’.

‘Food literacy’ versus’ Food skills’ - webinar video

A presentation on feeding of infant and young child, with a focus on behavioural aspects.

Whole school approach to health and wellbeing

A presentation on adopting a whole school approach to health and wellbeing. 16 November 2019.

Springboard - support for teachers and pupils in Scotland

A presentation looking at support for teachers and pupils in Scotland. 16 November 2019.

Education Scotland update - Secondary

A presentation from Education Scotland. 16 November 2019.

Education Scotland update - Primary

A presentation from Education Scotland. 16 November 2019.

SQA update

A presentation from the Scottish Qualifications Authority. 16 November 2019.

Teaching Home Economics - The challenges, the highs and the future

A presentation looking at teaching home economics in Scotland. 16 November 2019.

A thematic approach to teaching food and nutrition in primary schools

A presentation on teaching food in primary.

A thematic approach to teaching food and nutrition in primary schools webinar video

A webinar from 24.03.2021 looking teaching food in primary.

Careers in Food and Drink

A presentation from a webinar about careers in food and drink with Amy Crooks from NSAFD.

Careers in Food and Drink video

Amy Crooks from NSAFD talks careers in the food and drink sector for pupils

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