
Personal and professional development toolkit - support for planning, implementing and monitoring your own professional development.

This section provides a range of support and tools for planning, implementing and monitoring your own professional development.

If you want to access training, click here. For support on planning and teaching, as well as enhancing teacher knowledge and skills, click here. 

Looking for teaching resources? Click 11 to 14 Years or 14 to 16 Years.

Support resources and tools

PPD Welcome

An introductory guide to planning, implementing and reviewing your own profes...

Reflection and reflective practice

A guide to using reflection and reflective practice to enhance your teaching...

Needs analysis audit

An audit tool, based on the Food teaching in secondary schools framework of k...

Food skills audit

An audit tool to assess your food skills.

Development plan

A planning tool to highlight your own personal areas for development.

PPD Planning and recording

A professional development planning and recording sheet.

Professional learning experiences

A tool to record professional different types of learning experiences, as par...

Developing professional competence - reflection

A reflection document on developing professional competence - a key character...

Being an accomplished food teacher - reflection

A reflection document on being an accomplished teacher - a key characteristic...

Taking a whole school approach - reflection

A reflection document on taking a whole school approach - a key characteristi...

Teaching the curriculum - reflection

A reflection document on teaching the curriculum - a key characteristic of go...

Managing the subject - reflection

A reflection document on managing the subject - a key characteristic of good...

Good food safety and hygiene - reflection

A reflection document on good food safety and hygiene - a key characteristic...

Food skill competence - reflection

A reflection document on food skills - a key characteristic of good food tea...

Food provenance know-how - reflection

A reflection document on food provenance - a key characteristic of good food...

Nutrition proficiency - reflection

A reflection document on nutrition - a key characteristic of good food teaching.

Consumer awareness - reflection

A reflection document on consumer awareness - a key characteristic of good fo...

Food science aptitude - reflection

A reflection document on food science - a key characteristic of good food tea...

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