Scrummy scones

The aim of this session is for children to learn that savoury scones can be eaten as a meal accompaniment (e.g. with soup, as part of a packed lunch) and that different ingredients can be added to scones to give them different flavours. The main activity, Have a go, involves the children learning how to make scones using the rubbing-in method and using a cutter.


  • use descriptive words to explain how a scone tastes;
  • name different ingredients that can be added to scones;
  • name a selection of different cooking equipment;
  • preform simple food skills safely with a focus on rubbing-in and using a cutter.

You will need

  • Scrummy scone recipe and the ingredient and equipment listed.
  • Setting up a cooking session guide
  • Get ready to cook cards
  • Tasting guide
  • Kitchen equipment cards
  • Scrummy scone take home letter

Guide and resources

3 - 5 YR
Scrummy scones session plan

A guide on the Scrummy scones session.

3 - 5 YR
Get ready to cook cards

A set of cards about getting ready to cook.

Tasting guide

A guide to support running a food tasting session.

Kitchen equipment cards

A set of cards showing photographs of kitchen equipment.

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