Schemes of Work (11-14 Years)

Scheme of Work for Year 7, 8 and 9 along with detailed lesson plans and links to key resources.

The FFL Key Stage 3 Schemes of Work (SoW) have been developed to enable pupils to:

  • prepare and cook dishes, taste food and perform investigations hygienically and safely;
  • prepare, cook and serve an increasingly complex range of dishes with precision;
  • demonstrate their understanding of food provenance, production and processing;
  • apply their healthy eating and nutrition knowledge;
  • demonstrate and apply their awareness of consumer preferences and the reasons for choices made;
  • apply their knowledge of food science in a practical and meaningful way.

Progression has been built into the SoW to enable pupils to acquire, develop and secure knowledge and skills over the three years.

The SoW are based on the requirements of the KS3 Design and Technology: Cooking and Nutrition curriculum (England 2014).  They were updated in 2017 following the introduction of the Eatwell Guide and again in March 2020 to take into account the new and updated resources produced for the Food - a fact of life education programme.

However, the SoW are also applicable to all food and nutrition 11-14 curricula across the UK and can be edited to suit individual school settings.

The FFL SoW comprises:

  • a SoW for years 7, 8 and 9;
  • 54 lesson plans (18 for each year);
  • 3 learning journey booklets for pupils;
  • new recipes and resources.

Useful links

Further information and support

Food – a fact of life (FFL) Personal and professional development

 FFL Personal and professional development is designed to support the training needs of those that teach food, based around delivering the curriculum. There are a number of online courses and webinars to support those that teach 11-14 pupils.

Online courses

There is also a regular webinar programme focusing on planning, managing and teaching, and knowledge and skills for teachers.  Webinar recordings can be found here:

Further information about FFL personal and professional development, including training, can be found here:  

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