Practical food skills videos (Teacher versions)
On this page, you'll find teacher versions of our practical food skills videos.
These instructional videos cover getting ready to cook, using important pieces of kitchen equipment, knife skills, preparing different ingredients, cooking with heat and making simple sauces and dishes.
The videos contain additional information and context for teachers, including best practice guidance. They are ideal for trainee/beginning teachers, non-specialists and more experienced teachers who may like a refresher.
There are also videos that include supporting information around the food science being demonstrated in recipes and dishes, such as gluten formation and raising agents, gelatinisation and coagulation.
These videos accompany the pupil versions of the practical food skills videos - which you can use in the classroom with your pupils.
In this section, you can find the following videos: |
Using equipment
These videos demonstrate the use of four important pieces of kitchen equipment: Electric hand whisks, hand-held blenders, standing blenders, and food processors.
Safety is paramount when using these pieces of equipment, due to their moving parts and sharp edges (in the blenders and processor). Pupils may also be blending hot foods, so should take care not to burn themselves.
Using these pieces of equipment can also save significant time in classroom settings, rather than using manual whisks, knives or graters for similar tasks.
More videos coming soon!
Preparing ingredients
These videos demonstrate the essentials of preparing ingredients, so they are ready to be used in recipes.
Knife skills are crucial to prepare ingredients safely and in the right way for the recipe that pupils are making.
Ask pupils to watch the videos on the bridge hold, claw grip, and fork secure, so they can understand how to cut safely.
Then, you can use the additional videos to teach about how to prepare specific ingredients that may be called for in a recipe or dish.
Using the cooker
Videos showing how to use the cooker safely, including draining away boiling water (after boiling on the hob).
Using the cooker safely is necessary to avoid scalds and burns.
Ensuring your pupils know how to use the oven, hob and handle hot water safely will reduce the likelihood of an injury in the classroom.
Using flour
Videos showing how to use flour to make dough.
Understanding how to make and handle different types of dough for different purposes is a skill that will enable pupils to make many different dishes.
Use these videos to teach pupils the basics of using flour to make dough and use it in different ways.
Videos on rubbing in and rolling out a dough coming soon!
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