Food - a fact of life Roadmaps

The Food - a fact of life Roadmaps are a visual guide to food and nutrition education from 3-16 years and are a way of representing what pupils should learn and the sequence. They are available as downloadable versions to be printed or interactive versions!

Food - a fact of life Roadmaps

This page works best on a laptop or a desktop computer. Mobile users can click here to download all the Roadmaps. For best results on browser, Edge or Safari should be used. 

Food - a fact of life is proud to present our very own roadmaps for the food curriculum. Each roadmap is available in English and Welsh and covers the key topics at each age phase, accompanied by our Key facts. Each Key fact shows progression on the topics as pupils move through each age phase. They are a visual guide to food and nutrition education from 3-16 years and are a way of representing what pupils should learn and the sequence.

Our interactive versions of the Roadmaps contain links to other areas of the website, where you can find more information and download resources related to each Key fact - ideal for lesson planning, or for pupils to revise. We also offer print only versions, perfect for putting up in the classroom.

The main purpose for the Roadmaps is to:

  • help schools audit their current food curriculum; plan their future food curriculum (illustrating a progressive approach from 3-16 years); take a whole school approach to food teaching and learning.
  • help schools and teachers demonstrate intent and how topics link throughout the age phases (supporting the 3 Is in the 2019 Ofsted Framework - Intent, Implementation and Impact)
  • show pupils their food learning journey.
  • provide a visual representation of the basis of the Food – a fact of life education programme, and therefore the content of the Food – a fact of life website.
  • support the recommendations and proposals of UK government food strategies.

We're really excited to be launching roadmaps for the first time and we can't wait to see how you use them in the classroom! If you would like to find out more about using the Roadmaps to support your teaching and learning why not read the blog from teacher Jo Worthington?

If you have any queries about the Roadmaps, you can get in touch at 

Jump to a Roadmap:

Roadmaps are also available to download in Welsh!


Healthy Eating Roadmap

Check out our Healthy Eating Roadmap below!

Click on a 'Key fact' to be taken to the relevant age phase and area on the website.

Scroll down to download interactive and print copies of the Roadmap.

See also our Cooking and Where Food Comes From roadmaps!

Download the Healthy Eating Roadmaps

Download interactive and print versions of the Healthy Eating roadmap below:

Healthy Eating Roadmap (INTERACTIVE)

An interactive version of the Healthy Eating Roadmap. Links direct to the relevant area on the site.

Healthy Eating Roadmap (PRINT)

A print version of the Healthy Eating Roadmap, without hyperlinks.


Cooking Roadmap

Check out our Cooking Roadmap below!

Click on a 'Key fact' to be taken to the relevant age phase and area on the website.

Scroll down to download interactive and print copies of the Roadmap.

See also our Healthy Eating and Where Food Comes From roadmaps!

Download the Cooking Roadmaps

Download interactive and print versions of the Cooking roadmap below:

Cooking Roadmap (INTERACTIVE)

An interactive version of the Cooking Roadmap. Links direct to the relevant area on the site.

Cooking Roadmap (PRINT)

A print version of the Cooking Roadmap, without hyperlinks


Where Food Comes From Roadmap

Check out our Where Food Comes From Roadmap below!

Click on a 'Key fact' to be taken to the relevant age phase and area on the website.

Scroll down to download interactive and print copies of the Roadmap.

See also our Cooking and Healthy Eating roadmaps!

Download the Where Food Comes From roadmaps

Download interactive and print versions of the Where Food Comes From roadmap below:

Where Food Comes From Roadmap (INTERACTIVE)

An interactive version of the WFCF Roadmap. Links direct to the relevant area on the site.

Where Food Comes From Roadmap (PRINT)

A print version of the Where Food Comes From Roadmap, without hyperlinks.


Roadmaps in Welsh (Cymreig)

Bwyta'n iach (Cymreig) - Healthy Eating Roadmap (Welsh)

A print version of the Healthy Eating Roadmap, in Welsh.

Coginio (Cymreig) - Cooking Roadmap (Welsh)

A print version of the Cooking Roadmap, in Welsh.

O ble mae bwyd yn dod (Cymreig) - Where food comes from Roadmap (Welsh)

A print version of the Where Food Comes From Roadmap, in Welsh.


All roadmaps

Download all the roadmaps here!

Healthy Eating Roadmap (INTERACTIVE)

An interactive version of the Healthy Eating Roadmap. Links direct to the relevant area on the site.

Healthy Eating Roadmap (PRINT)

A print version of the Healthy Eating Roadmap, without hyperlinks.

Cooking Roadmap (INTERACTIVE)

An interactive version of the Cooking Roadmap. Links direct to the relevant area on the site.

Cooking Roadmap (PRINT)

A print version of the Cooking Roadmap, without hyperlinks

Where Food Comes From Roadmap (INTERACTIVE)

An interactive version of the WFCF Roadmap. Links direct to the relevant area on the site.

Where Food Comes From Roadmap (PRINT)

A print version of the Where Food Comes From Roadmap, without hyperlinks.

Bwyta'n iach (Cymreig) - Healthy Eating Roadmap (Welsh)

A print version of the Healthy Eating Roadmap, in Welsh.

Coginio (Cymreig) - Cooking Roadmap (Welsh)

A print version of the Cooking Roadmap, in Welsh.

O ble mae bwyd yn dod (Cymreig) - Where food comes from Roadmap (Welsh)

A print version of the Where Food Comes From Roadmap, in Welsh.

Why not try our Knowledge organisers?

Our new Roadmaps can be used alongside our Knowledge organisers, which collate the key facts and information on a particular topic, broken down in an easily digestible way. The FFL Knowledge organisers incorporate images, key terms and definitions (11-14 and 14-16 Years)  and plenty of information suitable to each age phase.

The FFL Knowledge organisers can be edited to suit the needs of your pupils and the requirements of particular 14-16 examination specifications.

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