Food – a fact of life Knowledge organisers for pupils aged 5-7 years
Scroll down to find the Knowledge Organisers in both English and Welsh. Knowledge organisers for pupils aged 7-11 years are also available in Welsh.
What is the purpose of FFL's Knowledge organisers?
• To provide pupils with key facts and what they should know and can do at each age phase.
• To provide an opportunity to learn, check and extend knowledge.
• To develop key subject specific vocabulary/terminology.
Teaching staff:
• To provide an outline of knowledge and skills that should be taught at each age phase.
• To provide consistency between teaching colleagues in the same school or group of schools.
• To support new, less-experienced and non-specialist teachers.
• To save teachers time and reduce workload.
The Knowledge organisers demonstrate progression in key knowledge and skills throughout the age phases. To find out more go to: 7-11 Years, 11-14 Years and 14-16 Years.
Note: The 5-7 and 7-11 Knowledge organisers can be printed in black and white or colour and also in A4 or A3. We recommend that the 11-14 and 14-16 Knowledge organisers are printed in A3 (black and white or colour) due to the level of content.
The Knowledge organisers meet the Guidelines for producers and users of school education resources about food.
Knowledge organisers
Trefnwyr Gwybodaeth ‘Food – a fact of life’ ar gyfer disgyblion 5-7 oed
Beth yw diben Trefnwyr Gwybodaeth FFL?
• Darparu disgyblion â ffeithiau allweddol a’r hyn ddylent ei wybod a gallu ei wneud ymhob cyfnod oedran.
• Darparu cyfle i ddysgu, gwirio ac ymestyn gwybodaeth.
• Datblygu geirfa/terminoleg allweddol sy’n benodol i’r pwnc.
Staff addysgu:
• Darparu amlinell o’r wybodaeth a’r sgiliau y dylid eu haddysgu ymhob cyfnod oedran.
• Darparu cysondeb rhwng cydweithwyr addysgu yn yr un ysgol neu grŵp o ysgolion.
• Cynorthwyo athrawon newydd, llai profiadol ac athrawon anarbenigol.
• Arbed amser i athrawon a lleihau llwyth gwaith.
Mae’r Trefnwyr Gwybodaeth yn dangos y cynnydd o ran gwybodaeth a sgiliau allweddol trwy’r cyfnodau oedran. I gael gwybod mwy, ewch i: 7-11 Oed, 11-14 Oed ac 14-16 Oed.
Sylwer: Gellir argraffu’r Trefnwyr Gwybodaeth 5-7 a 7-11 mewn du a gwyn neu mewn lliw, a hefyd mewn maint A4 neu A3. Rydym yn argymell bod y Trefnwyr Gwybodaeth 11-14 a 14-16 yn cael eu hargraffu mewn maint A3 (du a gwyn neu lliw) oherwydd maint y cynnwys.
Trefnwyr Gwybodaeth
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