11 - 14 Years

Welcome to the 11-14 Years area, which builds on the learning from the 7-11 Years area. Here you’ll find activity ideas and resources to support the teaching and learning of food with children. They have been developed to be used by teachers to stimulate pupil’s interest in food, as well as support the curriculum.

Key terms and definitions for food and nutrition

We have updated our 'Key terms and definitions' document for 2023 - containing words and phrases that will help your pupils with their studies and revision! 

This interactive, pdf glossary allows them to quickly find the information they need. Plus, we'll be continuously updating with new words and phrases.

If you have any suggestions for new words or any questions, email: education@nutrition.org.uk 


Download the Key terms and definitions glossary here

Looking for recipes? We have a range of recipes that could be adapted and used – just look in the recipe section.

Want further rigour and challenge? Go to the 14-16 years area.

For resources and guidance to support pupils working from home, see the Remote learning area.

The resources for pupils and children aged 11-14 years meet the Guidelines for producers and users of school education resources about food.

For further information around a healthy balanced diet, go to the British Nutrition Foundation website. 

Nutritional analysis

Calculate the energy and nutrients provided by a recipe or diet - and create nutrition labels too - for free!

Go to Explore food!

Licence to Cook

Looking for the Licence to Cook materials?

Click here

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