Pupils with additional needs

Welcome to the Pupils with additional needs area. Here you’ll find resources to support the teaching and learning about food and nutrition with children and young people with additional needs. The resources have been developed to provide a framework and structure for teaching around the key themes of Healthy eating, Cooking and Where food comes from.

Welcome to the Pupils with additional needs area. Here you’ll find resources to support the teaching and learning about food and nutrition with children and young people with additional needs. The resources have been developed to provide a framework and structure for teaching around the key themes of Healthy eating, Cooking and Where food comes from.

The resources also support key considerations for teaching pupils with additional needs, based on the Characteristics of good practice in teaching food and nutrition education to pupils with additional needs document produced by the British Nutrition Foundation.

The resources cover nine key areas. The areas are:

There are also resources to support pupils developing skills for independent living:

Each area is supported by an introductory guide with a range of activities, a presentation with images to provide stimulus, and worksheets. All resources are fully editable and, depending on pupil's individual needs, teachers will need to decide on the level of complexity of the tasks chosen.

There are also six new peer-to-peer recipe videos, with accompanying recipes adapted for pupils with additional needs, and also versions that use Widgit© Symbols. These are available here

These resources for pupils with additional needs meet the Guidelines for producers and users of school education resources about food.

We would love to hear your feedback on these new resources to support pupils with additional needs.  To get in contact, please email Frances at f.meek@nutrition.org.uk  

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