Characteristics of good practice in teaching food and nutrition education in secondary

An online course to help teachers to become even better food teachers.

Characteristics of good practice in teaching food and nutrition education (secondary)

An online course to help teachers become even better food teachers.


The Characteristics of good practice in teaching food and nutrition education (secondary) course has been specifically created for trainee, new, non-specialist and more experienced secondary school food teachers throughout the UK. 

The course usually costs £120. However, Food – a fact of life is making 2,000 complimentary access codes available to trainee and practising secondary food teachers.

Note: To ensure that the complimentary places are used, any course that is not activated, or that is not completed within three months of initial registration, will be deleted to allow another teacher the opportunity to undertake the course.

The online course supports the Food teaching in primary and secondary schools: a framework of knowledge and skills – backed by government.

What will be covered?

There are 11 characteristics covered in this course:

  • Developing professional competence.
  • Being an accomplished food teacher.
  • Taking a whole school approach.
  • Teaching the curriculum.
  • Managing the subject.
  • Good food hygiene and safety practices.
  • Food skill competency.
  • Food provenance know-how.
  • Nutrition proficiency.
  • Consumer awareness.
  • Food science aptitude.

Each module includes a short test, providing you with feedback on your progress. On successful completion of a final assessment, a personalised certificate is created, useful as evidence for your professional development and performance management. (The final assessment may be repeated). The course will take approximately 4-5 hours to complete but does not have to be completed all at once. You can complete the course at your own pace – there is no time limit.  

Why attend?

This course aims to:

  • define the key characteristics of good practice that are specific to teaching food and nutrition;
  • exemplify these characteristics of good practice in UK secondary schools;
  • highlight the key features of achieving these characteristics, showing how these can be put into practice, with teacher insights and suggestions of how to develop these for the future;
  • support the food and nutrition teaching community, especially trainee, newly qualified and non-food specialist teachers;
  • enable practising teachers to audit their own practice to plan and implement personal and professional development goals;
  • provide signposts to free editable resources for use in the classroom along with sources of further support and information.


Audience: Trainee and practising secondary teachers across the UK.

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