
The aim of this session is for children to name different food, express opinions about different food, and explain that different people often like to eat different food.

Choices - activities


The aim of this session is for children to:

  • name a selection of different food;
  • express opinions about different food;
  • explain that different people often like to eat different food.

You will need

  • Food images cards
  • My food book
  • Cut and stick foods
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Colouring pencils

Listen and respond

Talk about eating and drinking. Question the children:

  • What have you had to eat today?
  • What have you had to drink?
  • What else do you think you might eat and drink today?
  • What food and drinks do you like?
  • Do we all like the same food and drinks?
  • What do your family and friends like to eat and drink?

Have a go

Show the children the Food images cards one at a time. Ask the children to name the image and then ask them to respond with a thumbs up for I like it, thumb sideways for it is ok and thumbs down for I do not like it.  Ask some of the children to explain their reasons. Focus more heavily on why children enjoy different foods, rather than their dislikes. Reinforce that different people like different food and drinks. Ask the children to talk about some of the food and drinks their friends and families like. You may wish to have examples of food for children to handle. 


Provide the children with copies of the My food book, or just the third page entitled ‘I like this food’, and copies of the Cut and stick foods. Ask the children to select three foods they each like from the images and cut and stick these onto the page. Alternatively, you could provide the children with a selection of magazines that contain different foods and they could cut and stick these onto the page or on a large sheet of paper to create a display.


Provide children with the, ‘My_______ likes___________’, page from the My food book. Task them to choose two family members or friends and draw, or cut and stick, images on this page to show the types of foods their two chosen people like. You can write the name and food in the spaces provided. Reinforce that different people often like to eat different foods.

Reviewed November 2023

Food image cards

A set of 18 cards showing food from different food groups.

3 - 5 YR
My food book presentation.pptx

A presentation that can be printed and used as a book to record food experiences.

3 - 5 YR
Cut and stick foods worksheet.docx

A sheet of food from different food groups to cut and stick.

A to Z (food)

A poster showing an A to Z of food.

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