Eatwell Guide
The aim of this session is for children to:
- recognise the Eatwell Guide;
- name some of the food in each food group;
- explain that we need different types of food, and 6-8 drink a day, to be healthy.
You will need:
- The Eatwell Guide information
- The Eatwell Guide poster (basic)
- Food images cards - cut out, laminated (optional)
- The eatwell game - laminated (optional)
- The eatwell game food cards - cut out, laminated (optional)
- Board or wall
- Tac
- Colouring pencils
Listen and respond
Read The Eatwell Guide information before the session. This will provide important background information to support your teaching.
Display The Eatwell Guide poster (basic). Question the children:
- What can you see? (A circular shape, different coloured parts, a glass.)
- What foods can you see on this picture?
Explain the picture is called the Eatwell Guide and it shows us what we need to eat and drink to be healthy. Question the children to help them engage with the Eatwell Guide.
- Which are the two biggest groups on the Eatwell Guide?
- What foods can you see in these groups?
- Which is the smallest group?
- What food can you see in this group?
- Which are the middle sized groups?
- What food can you see in these groups?
- What food can you see in the smallest group?
- Where is/are the – eggs, tomatoes, bread, fish, milk?
- Which food in the picture have you eaten today?
- How many drinks do we need each day?
Summarise that the Eatwell Guide shows us what we need to eat and drink to be healthy. It helps us to remember that we need different types of foods, and 6-8 drinks a day, to be healthy.
Have a go
Get the children to help you sort the Food images (from Food and drinks – choices session) into the correct food groups by tacking or placing them around The Eatwell Guide poster (basic).
Play The eatwell game with the children in groups of four. Each child will need a copy of the board. Only one copy of The eatwell game food cards will be require. Shuffle the cards and place them face down in the middle of the table. Instruct the children to take turns to take a card, if they are able to place it on their boards, they can keep it, if not, it must be returned to the bottom of the pile. The first child to fill their board wins the game and can help a friend until all the boards are filled.
Reviewed November 2023
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