
The aim of this session is for children to name and discuss places where food comes from, e.g. shops, supermarket, garden, allotment.

Places activities


The aim of this session is for children to:

  • name and discuss places where food comes from, e.g. shops, supermarket, garden, allotment.

You will need:

  • Different shops sheets - laminated (optional)
  • Food from shops cards – cut out, laminated (optional)

Listen and respond

Question the children to get them to talk about places where their food comes from.

  • What have you eaten today?
  • Where did that food come from? (shops, supermarket, allotment, garden)
  • Who bought or grew the food?
  • Have you ever been shopping /collected food from the garden or an allotment?
  • What did you see?
  • Shop /supermarket- shopping baskets, freezers, chilled areas, fruit and vegetables, meat, bread.
  • Garden/allotment – soil, spade, shed, fruit, vegetables, people digging/watering).
  • What did you do?
  • Shop - found foods needed, chose food, put it in the trolley, packed it in bags, paid.
  • Garden/allotment – picking, digging, watering.

Have a go

Talk to the children about the types of foods you might buy in a shop or supermarket/grow in the garden or allotment. Explain that sometimes we can go to shops which sell just one type of food, e.g. bread and cakes - bakery, meat – butchers, fruit and vegetables - green grocers, fish – fish mongers. Explain that in shops and in supermarkets all these different foods can often be bought together.

Have a go  

Activity 1- four players. Give each child one of the Different shops sheets.  Talk about what the different shops are called, e.g. butchers, and ask them to name some of the foods they can see. Ask them if they have been in any of these types of shops, or if they have seen places like these in parts of a supermarket or shop. Spread out the Food from shops cards. Take each card and ask the children to name the food and decide if it comes from the shop on their sheet. If the food does belong on a child’s sheet, they can put it on one of the square spaces.  Continue until the children have each covered all of the squares on their sheet.

Activity 2 – small group. Work with the children to create 3d models of foods which can be bought in shops or supermarkets or grown in allotments or garden. The children could make their models from dough, which could then be painted and used in an imaginary shopping /gardening game.  You could give different groups a theme, e.g. foods from a bakery, a butchers, a green grocers, fish mongers.  As the children make their models, talk to them about their individual experiences of shopping or harvesting food. 

Set up a supermarket or individual shops in the imaginary play area. If you have toy foods you could use these, or, if they are suitable, models of foods the children made. Demonstrate an imaginary shopping trip/gardening activity with the children. Ask some of the children to take the role of a parent or carer, a child and a cashier. Role play a visit to the shop/allotment with the children to get them started. Let the children create their own games based around this idea.

3 - 5 YR
Different shops

A set of cards showing different shops.

3 - 5 YR
Food from shops

A set of food cards.

Reviewed 24.10.23

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