Food route (5-7 Years)

Chart and worksheets for teaching about Diet and health, Shopping, Cooking, Food safety and Active lifestyles.

Food route - a journey through food

To help children and young people engage with the Core Competences, a series of focus groups and workshops were arranged throughout the UK. The original competences were rephrased in an age appropriate way, and tested to ensure that children understand what they mean and how they can be achieved. The focus group sessions informed the language and design of the resources.

What resources are available?

There are five charts, one for each competence area, a target chart (similar to one that is often used in schools for literacy and numeracy) and a certificate. 

The five charts cover:

  • Diet and health
  • Shopping
  • Cooking
  • Food safety
  • Active lifestyles

A bright, colourful certificate is provided for this age phase in the resource download. The certificate can be awarded after the child has completed all the competences, or when they have successfully completed each competence area, e.g. cooking. 

Eleven worksheets are provided to help support children to achieve a number of the competences. These could be used at school or at home.

Users' guide: this guide lists the competence statements that appear on the target charts and provides suggestions on how to help children reach the competences and measure if the competences have been achieved.

The Food route resources meet the Guidelines for producers and users of school education resources about food.


5 - 7 YR
Food route charts

A selection of charts and a certificate.

5 - 7 YR
Users' Guide

A guide about the Food route resources, including curriculum links.

5 - 7 YR
Where food comes from

A worksheet about food origins.

5 - 7 YR
5 A Day

A worksheet about 5 A DAY.

5 - 7 YR
Breakfast diary

A breakfast dairy for children to complete.

5 - 7 YR
Design an apron

A worksheet challenging children to design an apron.

5 - 7 YR
Drink plenty

A diary worksheet to record the drink consumed in a day.

5 - 7 YR
Getting active

An activity diary worksheet for the week.

5 - 7 YR
Helping in the kitchen

A worksheet to record how helpful children are in the kitchen.

5 - 7 YR
Kitchen equipment

A worksheet about naming different types of kitchen equipment.

5 - 7 YR
Let's get ready to cook

A worksheet about getting ready to cook, by filling in the blanks.

5 - 7 YR
My activity chart

A worksheet to record new activities tried out.

5 - 7 YR
My taste chart

A worksheet about rating new food using smiley faces.

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