Victorians thematic pack (5-7 Years)

A pack of resources focusing on food in Victorian times.

The resources in the Victorians thematic pack meet the Guidelines for producers and users of school education resources about food.

Victorians thematic pack resources

Food in Victorian times teachers' guide

A teachers' guide providing background information about food in the Victoria...

Food in Victorian times presentation

A presentation to support learning about food in Victorian times.

Victorian seasonal food

A worksheet to support learning about food in Victorian times.

Victorian food diary

A food diary to support learning about food in Victorian times.

Victorian cooking

A worksheet to support learning about food in Victorian times.

Victorian pots and pans

A worksheet to support learning about cooking equipment in Victorian times.

Victorian pickling

A worksheet to support learning about food in Victorian times.

Victorian food in the Eatwell Guide

A worksheet to support learning about food in Victorian times.

Victorian pease pudding

A recipe for a Victorian pease pudding.

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