Find out more about farming online - fol­low three farm­ers through­out the sea­sons to see and learn what they get up to on farm!

LEAF Virtual Farm Visits

NEW for 2022! Find out more about farming online as LEAF fol­low three farm­ers through­out the sea­sons to see and learn what they get up to on farm!

Discover why farming and health go hand in hand on LEAF Open Farm Sunday

LEAF Open Farm Sunday returns on 12th June, as hundreds of farms across the country will be opening to the public for farming’s annual open day. Showcasing farming’s commitment to producing nutritious food more sustainably, the focus this year is on health.

The day offers an opportunity for everyone to visit a farm and get a glimpse into how their food is produced and what farmers do to manage the environment. Visitors can hear from farmers about where some of our favourite foods, from bread and cereals, to milk, meat, fruit and vegetables come from. Many events will also have interactive activities connected to health on the farm, such as worm counts, pond dipping and hunting for mini beasts, alongside the chance to learn how farmers manage a healthy environment for wildlife to thrive, exploring field margins, hedges and woodland too. Just as each farm is unique, so is each LEAF Open Farm Sunday event – but one thing is for sure: visitors of all ages are in for a fun and fascinating day out!

Annabel Shackleton, LEAF Open Farm Sunday Manager, said: “Ever wondered what role worms play in food production or why they’re important for healthy soil? Or why farmers check water quality by looking for the presence of invertebrates? This year’s LEAF Open Farm Sunday is your chance to find out the answers, as we explore how farmers help produce healthy, nutritious food for our health and the health of the planet. From soil and water management, to crop and livestock health, a trip to a LEAF Open Farm Sunday event will help you discover more about the story of your food, and see the industry’s commitment to sustainability, biodiversity, food production and a well-managed countryside. We are delighted to once again welcome visitors to our farms, most of which are not usually open to the public, and show how, when it comes to health, farmers really are part of the solution.”

LEAF Open Farm Sunday takes place on Sunday 12th June 2022 - visit for more information and to find your local participating farm. Most events are free, but some may require pre-booking. Please check the website for details.


Farming food for you - potatoes

A poster about the potato farm and farmer.

Farming food for you - sheep

A poster about the sheep farm and farmer.

Farming food for you - beef cattle

A poster about the beef cattle farm and farmer.

Farming food for you - dairy

A poster about the dairy farm and farmer.

Farming food for you - pigs

A poster about the pig farm and farmer.

Farming food for you - cereals

A poster about the cereal farm and farmer.

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