This area supports pupil understanding about cooking for yourself and others.

This learning area, which is one of the four created to support pupils develop skills for independent living, supports teaching and learning around cooking, including food hygiene and safety.

There are a number of steps for pupils to follow when developing skills to prepare and cook drinks, snacks and meals independently or with support. This area looks at practical food skills, the key steps to make a drink, snack or meal, and how to stay safe in the kitchen.

To support learning, the following is available:

  • a teachers' guide, with activity ideas;
  • stimulus materials and worksheets.
Independent living teachers' guide

A teacher's guide to support teaching and learning around developing skills for independent living.

Cooking social story

A social story presentation around cooking, including food hygiene and safety.

Practical food skills

A chart of practical food skills with images and words for vocabulary recognition and matching.

Washing hands

A presentation around washing and drying hands.

Get ready to cook tick list

A worksheet around getting ready to cook.

Ready to cook?

A presentation around the steps needed when getting ready to cook.

How long does it take to cook?

A presentation around the reasons why food is cooked, the changes that happen and how long it takes.

Kitchen hazards

A presentation around hazards when cooking and being safe.

Equipment cards for sorting

Images of equipment, name labels and descriptions of equipment functions cards.

Making scrambled eggs

A presentation around making scrambled eggs.

My favourite meal - no text

A worksheet around a favourite meal.

My favourite meal

A worksheet around a favourite meal, with instructions.

Cooking certificate

A pupil certificate awarded for successful completion of the Cooking Challenge.

These resources, to support the development of skills for independent living, meet the Guidelines for producers and users of school education resources about food.

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