2 tortillas
1x10ml spoon tomato sauce topping
25g sliced cheese, e.g. Cheddar, Emmental
1 slice ham (optional)
1 spring onion
Chopping board, knife, non-stick frying pan, measuring spoon, fish slice.
1. Prepare the filling:
- top and tail the spring onion and slice into rings;
- chop the ham into small pieces.
2. Place one of the tortillas in the pan.
3. Spread the tomato sauce over the tortilla.
4. Arrange the ham, spring onion and cheese over the tortilla.
5. Cook for 5 minutes, or until the cheese starts to melt.
6. Place the 2nd tortilla on top.
7. Flip the tortilla over and cook for 4-5 minutes.
Top tips:
- Add chilli for a kick.
- Be adventurous - try adding tuna, pesto, mushrooms, tomatoes, red onion, green pepper, courgette, sweetcorn, chicken or sliced beef.
- Use different varieties of tortilla, e.g. wholemeal, tomato.
- Freeze a pack of tortillas and use only what you need.
- Use left overs in your toasties!
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