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Here is a breakdown of pages, resources​, recipes, news and events across the site. Use the results per page feature to view more or search within each area of the site.

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Relevant pages (1)

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Food availability (11-14 Years)

This area covers: where food is grown, reared or caught around the UK, Europe...

Teacher resources (10)

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14 - 16 YR
Seasonality presentation

A presentation looking at the seasonality of different food.

11 - 14 YR
Seasonality quiz

A quiz about seasonality.

11 - 14 YR
Seasonality quiz answers

The answers to a quiz about seasonality.

11 - 14 YR
Seasonality presentation

A presentation looking at seasonality of different foods.

14 - 16 YR

A presentation around seasonality.

Bringing seasonality to life, using blueberries! (Slides)

Slides from the seasonality presentation and blueberry tasting/sensory analysis

Know your red meat poster

A poster investigating the source, characteristics and the seasonality of red...

What's in season worksheet

A worksheet looking at seasonality.

Food ready to eat - UK seasons

A presentation looking at seasonality.

14 - 16 YR
Where food comes from KO14-16

A Knowledge organiser providing key facts around where food comes from.

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