Olympic Fever! Engaging Children in Sports and Exercise

Inspire children and young people to get active during the Olympics!

As excitement builds for the 2024 Olympics, Food - a fact of life offers timely resources to inspire young athletes. The website provides various tools to integrate sports and exercise into children's lives, whether at home or at holiday clubs this summer.

Activity packs: Age-specific packs combine educational activities with physical exercises and information:

Keep active: Olympic-inspired games encourage kids to move while learning about healthy eating and the importance of nutrition in sport. Here are some activities to try with friends and family:

  • Obstacle course: Set up 4-6 activity stations (e.g., balancing a cushion on your head, sock-throwing, hopping across an open space). Keep a note of times and a chart of results.
  • Create a scavenger hunt: Hide themed items and challenge children to find them.
  • Balloon Games: Keep a balloon in the air as long as possible or play balloon volleyball.
  • Physical activity dice: Make a dice with different activities on each side and roll it to decide the next exercise.
  • Bottle bowling: Set up plastic bottles as pins and roll a soft ball to knock them down, increasing the distance each time.
  • Skip, hula, and jump: Set up stations for skipping, hula hooping, and jumping. No hula hoop? Just wiggle!
  • Star jump challenge: See how many star jumps can be done in a minute. Challenge everyone and keep a record.

Explore these fun, educational activities and more on the Food - a fact of life website to keep children active and inspired during the Olympics.

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