The future of food education

What will food education look like in 10 years time? What topics should be taught? What recipes should be made? Get involved and help create a modern, diverse food and nutrition education that is fit for the future.

The British Nutrition Foundation is undertaking a new piece of work to explore what a future, modern food education, that is relevant to young people and society, might look like and contain. The National Food Strategy (the plan) has elevated the debate around food and nutrition education and has made recommendations that aim to raise the status of food education in schools, support the provision of ingredients to ensure inclusivity and encourage new teachers into the profession.

The aim of this work is to focus on what will make a modern food education in schools across the UK, including pedagogy, content and pupil experience. This work is being supported by the All Saints Educational Trust (ASET).

The project has the following elements:

(1) A teacher and pupil survey, exploring current and future practice. The results of the surveys can be found here.

(2) A half-day consensus-building event, on 2 October 2021, with experts in the field of food and nutrition education to debate the concepts of a future, modern food education that is relevant to young people and society. You can find the recordings and presentations of the event in the Consensus building event area below. A report from the event, with recommendations for the future, can be found here

(3) The development of new recipes that are more inclusive of our diverse culture and society. This will be based on the work above. 

(4) The provision of teacher training, based on the outcomes of the work above.  

A report from the consensus building event with recommendations for the future of food education across the UK can be found below, along with the results from the pupil and teacher surveys. For further information, contact Frances at 

Future of food consensus building event report

A report from the Future of food education consensus building event on 2/10/21 with recommendations.

Pupil and teacher surveys - what change is needed?

A presentation showing the results of the future of food education pupil and teacher surveys.

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