Spicy tomato soup

Three versions of this recipe are available to download including a standard recipe, a presentation and a step by step with photographs.


1 onion

1 carrot

1 potato

1 x can chopped tomatoes (400g)

500ml water

1 stock cube

1/2 x 5ml spoon dried chilli flakes

1 x 15ml spoon tomato puree


Chopping board, knife, vegetable peeler, saucepan, can opener, measuring spoons, wooden spoon, liquidiser/blender, ladle.


1. Prepare the vegetables:

    • peel and slice the onion;
    • top and tail, peel and slice the carrot;
    • peel and cut the potato into 8.

2. Put all the ingredients into a saucepan.

3. Stir everything together, bring to the boil and then simmer for 20 minutes.

4. Ladle the mixture into the liquidiser and blend until smooth.

Top tips:

  • Place a cloth over the liquidiser to prevent any soup from splashing out.
  • Use a range of different vegetables, e.g. leeks, peppers, mushrooms.
  • Serve with wholegrain bread.
  • Use different herbs and spices, e.g. basil, mixed herbs, paprika.


Why not use the Explore Food calculator, the British Nutrition Foundation's free online nutritional analysis programme, to calculate the nutritional information for this and other Food - a fact of life recipes?

Food skills:

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Alternate Text
Alternate Text
Cut, Chop, Slice, Dice & Trim
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Mix, Stir & Combine
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Melt, simmer and boil
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Blitz, puree and blend

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