An overview of search results from each area.

Here is a breakdown of pages, resources​, recipes, news and events across the site. Use the results per page feature to view more or search within each area of the site.

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Relevant pages (12)

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The diet (7-11 Years)

People around the world choose and combine different food to make meals and s...

Diet and health (11-14 Years)

This area covers: health issues that are associated with dietary excess or d...

Food Route

Journals to engage pupils in Diet and health, Consumer awareness, Cooking, Fo...

Food route (5-7 Years)

Chart and worksheets for teaching about Diet and health, Shopping, Cooking, F...

Healthy eating (7-11 Years)

This section provides activity ideas and resources to help consolidate learni...

Nutrients (7-11 Years)

A variety of food is needed in the diet because different food contains diffe...

Digestion (7-11 Years)

The nutrients provided by the diet are released through the process of digest...

Food route (7-11 Years)

Chart and worksheets for teaching about Diet and health, Shopping, Cooking, F...

Healthy eating (11-14 Years)

This section provides activity ideas and resources to strengthen learning aro...

Planning what to cook (11-14 Years)

Current healthy eating advice, dietary needs, socio-economic factors, prefere...

Licence to Cook (11-14 Years)

Licence to Cook was the initiative in England (from 2007-2011) which sought t...

Eat well (7-11 Years)

Teacher resources (12)

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14 - 16 YR
Diet and cancer

A presentation on diet and cancer.

14 - 16 YR
Diet and cancer worksheet

A worksheet looking at diet and cancer.

14 - 16 YR
Diet and cancer quiz

A quiz looking at diet and cancer.

14 - 16 YR
Diet and cancer quiz answers

The answers to a quiz looking at diet and cancer.

14 - 16 YR
Diet, insulin and blood glucose

A presentation looking at diet, insulin and blood glucose.

14 - 16 YR
Diet, insulin and blood glucose worksheet

A worksheet looking at diet, insulin and blood glucose.

14 - 16 YR
Diet, insulin and blood glucose quiz

A quiz looking at diet, insulin and blood glucose.

14 - 16 YR
Diet, insulin and blood glucose quiz answers

The answers to a quiz looking at diet, insulin and blood glucose.

14 - 16 YR
Diet and health quiz

A quiz looking at diet and health.

14 - 16 YR
Diet and health quiz answers

The answers to a quiz looking at diet and health.

14 - 16 YR
Overview of diet related diseases quiz

A quiz looking at diet related diseases.

14 - 16 YR
Overview of diet related diseases quiz answers

The answers to a quiz looking at diet related diseases.

Events (1)

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The Eatwell Guide –understanding and applying in the classroom

Key healthy eating messages and useful ways to discuss and apply the model at school.

  • Cost
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    16:00 Start
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    Online Webinar

News and Blog (4)


It's Fibre February!

We all need to increase the amount of fibre in our diet. This article provide...


Grow Your Own Potatoes

Join UK Primary Schools around the country and learn all about potatoes: how...


Consumer insight - food-to-go

Four key trends to help you understand the consumer and the influences on the...


Snack-tember 2025 – Helping young people to have healthy, sustainable snacks

Snacking is a big part of most children’s and young people’s daily lives. Est...

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