1 x 10ml spoon oil
3 spring onions
1 clove of garlic
80g sugar snap peas
1 small chicken breast
2 x 15ml Thai green curry paste
200ml coconut milk (reduced fat)
1/2 lime
Small bunch of coriander
Two chopping boards, two knives, garlic press, frying pan, weighing scales, wooden spoon, can opener, juicer.
1. Prepare the ingredients:
- slice the spring onions;
- cut the sugar snap peas in half;
- crush the garlic.
2. On a separate clean chopping board, and using a separate clean knife, cut the chicken into small chunks. Thoroughly wash and dry your hands after touching the raw meat.
3. Fry the spring onions, garlic and chicken in the oil for 3-4 minutes.
4. When the chicken has turned ‘white’, stir in the green curry paste, followed by the sugar snap peas.
5. Pour in the coconut milk and simmer for 15 minutes.
6. Squeeze the lime and pour over the curry.
7. Tear the coriander and add to the curry.
8. Serve.
Top tips:
- Use a range of different vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach or courgette.
- Use frozen vegetables, like peas, runner beans or soy beans.
- Serve with boiled rice – why not go for a mix of white, brown and wild?
Why not use the Explore Food calculator, the British Nutrition Foundation's free online nutritional analysis programme, to calculate the nutritional information for this and other Food - a fact of life recipes?
Food skills:

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