An overview of search results from each area.

Here is a breakdown of pages, resources​, recipes, news and events across the site. Use the results per page feature to view more or search within each area of the site.

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Relevant pages (12)

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Nutritional needs through life (14-16 Years)

This area provides resources on nutritional needs through life, sports nutrit...

Energy and nutrients (11-14 Years)

This area covers: energy; energy balance; energy and nutrients (including fi...

FFL training

Food – a fact of life (FFL) courses are designed to support the training need...

About Food - a fact of life

Food – a fact of life (FFL) is a comprehensive, progressive education program...

Nutritional analysis (11-14 Years)

Explore Food, a free user-friendly online nutritional analysis tool for secon...

Healthy eating (14-16 Years)

This section provides resources to extend learning about energy and nutrients...

Nutritional analysis (14-16 Years)

Explore Food, a free user-friendly online nutritional analysis tool for secon...

Wave 8 - food skills for life

Welcome to wave 8 - 54 food skills for life activities/resources to support r...

Food - a fact of life Roadmaps

The Food - a fact of life Roadmaps are a visual guide to food and nutrition e...

Characteristics of good practice in teaching food and nutrition education to pupils with additional needs

This publication exemplifies the characteristics of good practice in teaching...

Characteristics of good practice in teaching food and nutrition education to pupils with additional needs

This publication exemplifies the characteristics of good practice in teaching...

Pupils with additional needs

Welcome to the Pupils with additional needs area. Here you’ll find resources...

Teacher resources (12)

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14 - 16 YR
Nutritional needs throughout life

A presentation looking at nutritional needs throughout life.

14 - 16 YR
Nutritional needs throughout life worksheet

A worksheet looking at nutritional needs throughout life.

14 - 16 YR
Nutritional needs throughout life quiz

A quiz looking at nutritional needs throughout life.

14 - 16 YR
Nutritional needs throughout life answers

The answers to a quiz looking at nutritional needs throughout life.

11 - 14 YR
Nutritional needs throughout life presentation

A presentation exploring the ways nutritional needs change throughout life.

11 - 14 YR
Nutritional needs throughout life quiz answers

The answers to a quiz about nutritional needs throughout life.

14 - 16 YR
Diet through life worksheet

A worksheet looking at nutritional needs throughout life.

11 - 14 YR
Nutritional needs (energy) through life worksheet

A worksheet exploring how energy requirements change throughout life.

14 - 16 YR
Make it with mince challenge - Life stages

A guide to a challenge to create a mince based dish based on nutritional need...

11 - 14 YR
Diet through life worksheet

A worksheet looking at how the diet changes through life.

14 - 16 YR
Bone health throughout life

A presentation looking at bone health.

14 - 16 YR
Bone health throughout life worksheet

A worksheet looking at bone health.

Recipes (12)

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Quick bread buns
  • Complexity
  • Time
    45 mins
Bagel bruschetta
  • Complexity
  • Time
    30 mins
Chicken (tofu) stir fry
  • Complexity
  • Time
    45 mins
Tandoori chicken
  • Complexity
  • Time
    90+ mins
Chilli ginger beef
  • Complexity
  • Time
    30 mins
Pork Thai bites
  • Complexity
  • Time
    60 mins
Spicy lamb and feta burgers
  • Complexity
  • Time
    45 mins
Blazing burger
  • Complexity
  • Time
    45 mins
Devilled lamb's kidneys on toast
  • Complexity
  • Time
    30 mins
Beef & vegetable pan fry
  • Complexity
  • Time
    30 mins
Lamb quesadillas
  • Complexity
  • Time
    30 mins
Meatball aloo ghobi
  • Complexity
  • Time
    45 mins

Events (3)

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Characteristics of good practice in teaching food and nutrition education (additional needs)

An online course for staff teaching food and nutrition to pupils with additional needs.

  • Cost
  • When
  • Time
  • Where
    Online course

Food - a fact of life drop in

Find out about Food – a fact of life education programme and have a tour of the website.

  • Cost
  • When
  • Time
    20:00 Start
  • Where
    Online Webinar

Food - a fact of life conference for Home Economics teachers in Scotland

Join us for a hands-on, interactive conference at Abertay University on Saturday 16 November 2024.

  • Cost
  • When
  • Time
    09:30 Start
  • Where
    Abertay University - Dundee

News and Blog (12)


Food – a fact of life Roadmaps

Food - a fact of life's brand new Roadmaps are the perfect addition to your c...


Food – a fact of life: Our impact and benefits, as rated by teachers

Food – a fact of life has been supporting teachers for over thirty years, pro...


Food – a fact of life knowledge organisers

The team at Food – a fact of life has been busy putting together new addition...


New guide for teachers on food education for children and young people with additional needs

Available now! A new guide to support teachers of pupils with additional needs.


Food – a fact of life training - a personal perspective

This year, 2021, sees the 30th anniversary of the Food – a fact of life (FFL)...


Happy 30th birthday Food - a fact of life

It’s time to wish Food – a fact of life a happy 30th birthday, which was laun...


Your top 10 Food – a fact of life resources

We've gathered the best and most popular resources on Food - a fact of life t...


5 reasons to try… Food – a fact of life primary food projects

With busy primary teachers in mind, Food – a fact of life has created six foo...


Food - a fact of life training has a real impact!

Find out more about FFL training and in particular our recent Food and nutrit...


Get a head start with your planning using My Dashboard

Get ready for the new school year with the My Dashboard tool on the Food - a...


5 ways to celebrate harvest festival

Discover 5 educational ways to celebrate the harvest festival. Teachers can e...


Why I love the Food - a fact of life Food Curriculum Roadmaps!

After receiving an enthusiastic response to our new Food Curriculum Roadmaps...

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